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常州威雅中学Stephen Ottewell:教育绝不只停留在教室里


此外,多位国际化学校的校长、教育大咖对国际化学校的教育理念、育人方法发表了自己的观点,赢得了参展家庭的喝彩,家长们纷纷表示受益匪浅。常州威雅中学执行校长Stephen Ottewell参加了本次活动,以下为访谈实录:

常州威雅中学执行校长 Stephen Ottewell常州威雅中学执行校长 Stephen Ottewell

主持人:新形势下,学校如何提高教育质量,办出真正有特色的、高质量地融合了国际元素的本土教育?Under the new situation, how can the school improve the quality of education and create a truly distinctive and high-quality local education integrated with international elements?

Stephen Ottewell:常州威雅的学生每天都有用英语、双语和中文教学的课程。这三种模式共同构成了我们的课程体系,并融于我们的学校生活中。通过国家课程与国际课程的融合,我们为所有学生提供了全方位的全人教育。

Every day at WASCZ students have English, bilingual and Chinese taught lessons。 The three strands of education integrated into our curriculum, integrated into our school day。 The Jiangsu curriculum and the international curriculum complementing each other to provide a well-rounded holistic education for all our students。


When it comes to personalized education, what special courses and education methods can WASCZ offer?

Stephen Ottewell:常州威雅的所有学生每周有4节课外拓展活动课。学生可以自由选择自己感兴趣的活动或学习新事物。活动课程的范围极广,其中包括像击剑、赛艇、拳击、网球等的运动课程,以及时装设计、辩论、国际象棋、舞蹈等各种其他活动课程,这些课程给学生带来了超越传统课程的拓展和延伸。


进入10年级后,学生的选课开始变得更加个性化,他们可以从丰富的课程选项中挑选5门课程进行学习。进入11年级和12年级后,学生的选课就是他们将参加A Level考试的科目,他们将对所选科目进行更深入的学习,为他们的大学生涯做好准备。

All students at WASCZ have four lessons a week of E & X (Extension activities)。 Students make an individual choice to pursue their interests or learn new things。 The wide variety of possibilities include sports, like fencing, rowing, boxing, tennis, and other pursuits like fashion design, debating, chess and dance all extend our students’ education beyond the confines of their traditional subjects。

When students are in Grade 9 they get to choose two options, in addition to their other lessons。 Eight lessons a week are dedicated to these options: Experimental Science, Creative Arts, Social Sciences, Spanish, Sport Science and Further extend and enrich our students’ education。

In Grade 10 choice becomes far more personalized with five options being chosen across a huge range of subjects。 In Grades 11 and 12 those choices are their A levels, where a far more in-depth study of their chosen subjects takes place in preparation for their journey onto higher education。


Under the policy change, how can parents choose a suitable international school for their children?

Stephen Ottewell:家长在选择国际化学校时,应该选择那些能让孩子在国家课程的基础上获得丰富延伸和拓展的学校。在一所提供全人教育的学校,教育绝不只停留在教室里,更应延伸到夜间和周末的社团、音乐练习、乐队排练等丰富的校内活动,以及参观博物馆、卡丁车、徒步旅行、滑雪、潜水等各式各样的校外旅行。常州威雅正是因为提供了中国最丰富的考试科目而获得培生颁发的“最佳学科建设奖”。目前在中国,没有任何一所其他国际化学校能像我们这样提供如此广泛的课程选择。

Parents need to choose the international school that enriches and extends their child beyond the confines of the Chinese Curriculum。 A school that offers a holistic education that does not stop at the classroom door but goes beyond into weekend and evening activities and clubs, music practice, orchestra practice and trips offsite to experience museums, karting, trekking, skiing, scuba diving and so much more。 We have won the prize from Pearson for offering the widest variety of subjects at exam level in China。 No other international school in China offers the breadth of choice that we do。


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